Thursday 23 August 2012

What a super day on Sunday!  The morning Eucharist service included 2 baptisms.  We had 157 people in church and plenty of children to welcome 2 new members of Christ's family.  The service was taken by the Revd Joihn Bullamore who encouage the children to help him in the service by holding the service sheet while he held the baby, passing him, the towel to dry the baby's head, giving the baptism candle to the Mum of each baby to take home to help them remember this special day and helping with the sermon.  Thank you to everyone who attended the service and making it such a special day.

Thursday 14 June 2012

On Sunday June 3rd we said "goodbye" to our priest Rev. David Berryman and his family in the parish centre after our morning service.  It was a day when all the church families shared in one special Eucharistic service.  There were over 200 people in church including some of the friends and colleagues of Rev. David and the family and friends of baby Joe who had come to share in his baptism.

After the service we all gathered in the parish centre to share in a buffet, to reminisce, to talk with friends and of course to say goodbye to Rev. David and wish him well in his retirement.  He was presented with a painting of St Mary's church and a cheque from the Parish as well as some personal gifts from members of the congregation.  All the good wishes for his future were summed up in a lively African song sung by some members of the congregation.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Beeston Parish Spring Fair and Plant Stall

The weather was very hot.  Outside the plant sale attracted many people who came into the hall to view the Spring fair.  The children's corner was popular with all the youngsters, especially when they received a prize every time.  There were stalls to suit all tastes with the cake stall again proving popular with all the adults.  Food home cooked by people from Africa and Asia as well as hot dogs and burgers  was available all day and was much appreciated with people going back for second helpings.