Wednesday 26 August 2009

Moving into the 21st Century

Like all other organisations the Church in general has taken advantage of technology as it has been developed, St Mary's is no different. We have had a web site for over 3 years now and which is being constantly updated and improved. As more and more people are getting on-line through the Broadband Revolution it makes sense to embrace this technology where possible to promote the work of the Church and the various associated activities and organisations.

One such advance is now being used here at St Mary's, the 6pm Eucharist Service on a Sunday has migrated from using 'paper' ie, service books, hymn books etc to a paperless alternative (helping to save the planet)  by the use of a computer and projector. This brings an interactive element to the Service and very much suits the alternative style of worship at the 6pm. Why not come along one Sunday Evening to share in the experience.

Some events in September

Come along to hear about the work of Charles de Foucault and the Little Brothers of Jesus in the Church on Thurs 10th September starting at 7.30pm.

St Mary's Patronal Festival is taking place on Sun 13th Sept, where we celebrate Mary at both the 9.30am and the 6pm Services, with a social gathering with Faith Supper at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, all welcome.

First Post

Welcome to the first posting of this blog, it is hopefully intented to keep you informed about what is happening in Beeston and allow readers to comment and feed back.