Saturday, 4 December 2010

St Mary's Christmas Fair

Santa and his Choc Sleigh
Frosty with his owner

Despite the snow overnight which most people though would prevent people from venturing out of the house, we had a great Christmas Fair. There were the usual stalls, Luxury Hamper Raffle, Christmas Boutique, Chocolate Tombola, Chocolate Fountain, books and bric-a-brac, crafts etc. All this plus the Fair - Fayre (cafe really). We were entertained by Phillip on the Piano, plus some of the junior students came from the Keyboards class at the local Music school and played a few Christmas tunes for us. The official opening was at 11am, but as always, visitors were arriving at 10.30 even before some of the tables were set up and it all ended at about 3pm. Publicity is the key to all successful events and we did have a banner up (and down a few times due to wind) for a couple of weeks, plus we borrowed an 8ft Inflatable Snowman which was placed outside to attract the attention of the passing public.

Now its over, we had better start planning the Spring Fair!!!!! Leave it until after Christmas eh?

Have a Happy Christmas from all those 
at St Mary's and St David's

Friday, 19 November 2010

Christmas Fair

Well plans are well under way for the Christmas Fair next week on sat 27th, this year it is being organised by the Social Club with a format used at the Strawberry fair last July. Watch out for the report on this blog.

Another Win for St Marys

Yet again the gardeners have done a great job in St Mary's Garden, they have taken Gold in the Beeston in Bloom Competition. In the photo is Brian and Joy Astall, Rev Jude Smith with deputy Lord Mayor Patrick Davey.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

All for good causes- give them credit for a job well done

The £50 challenge is a competition between the Year 7 Forms at Abbey Grange CofE High School, where within each form, small groups of pupils are asked to raise as much money for charity as possible. The good causes this yaer are very much at the fronts of our minds, Martin House at Boston Spa and the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.  In attempt to make a difference, 3 pupils came up with the idea of a Fashion Show.......and all thishaving to be organised with 2 weeks......

The key was to persuade and enlist other indiiduals and groups into the project,so, St Marys Charity Shop was asked to proide the clothes and models, Beeston Parish Centre & Social Club provided the venue and facilities.

However, with any type of this event, there is no telling in advance as to how many will attend, although publicity plays a key part in this, so, the local parish magazine, posters and leaflets around the organisers own parishes, emails to friends and families etc, so was this enough?

So on the night how did they do? It was a great success, the total after expenses raised was £140 to go towards the Haiti and Martin House, plus the Charity Shop itself did a roaring trade after the show.

The 3 girls (all aged 11yrs old) who organised the event did really well, in addition to organising, they also did some of the announcing in front to the audience, opening the event, introducing the accompianist and compare, drawing the raffle organising a Fashion Quiz and closing the event, all tasks that can be quite daunting.

There as lots of praise for the girls, " A credit to their school" was heard and the compliment was well deserved and of course the good causes need all the help they can get.

The Charity Shop at St Mary's opens on Wed's and Thur's each week and all its funds to towards the upkeep of the church. Another show, organised by the Charity Shop itself this time is planned for the Autumn.